Exercise: Golden Record (LightScribe)
The Golden Record consists of 115 analog-encoded photographs, greetings in 55 languages, a 12-minute montage of sounds on Earth and 90 minutes of music.
What is on Voyager's Golden Record?, Smithsonian Magazine
Taking inspiration from the Golden Record time capsules designed to be read by alien life and created by NASA for the Voyager spacecrafts, we will create our own Golden Records using LightScribe CD technology. However, rather than trying to create a record that describes all of humanity, you will make records that describe a sub-culture, phenomena, or taxonomy that is of particular interest to you.
- cover art for CD jewelcase describing your CD's content
- cd etching art to be engraved onto your CD
- digital images - minimum of 20 images and maximum of ∞ images
- audio files – minimum of 9 minutes and maximum of 80 minutes
Step 1 – Collect
Collect images, video, sounds, signs and symbols
Consider what would be important to communicate with your Golden Record, and how you would go about sharing your information/ideas/group with a stranger. Collect media related to this (images, sounds, videos, objects) and bring it to class to share with the group. Create a short presentation (~5 mins) describing your collection and why you find it important.
Due: Sep 13
Step 2 – Synthesize
After you've organized your files for your CD, design cover art (for the CD itself) and booklet art for a jewel case. Think of these covers as manuals for understanding the content of your CD. However, they don't need to be as clinical or “scientific” as those on the original golden record. Format your covers and contents into a short slideshow (8 min) to share with the class.
Due: Sep 20
Post-Project – Inscription
Chris and Jaja will burn and inscribe your CDs. Timing is TBD based on final files.
- Decoding images from the Golden Record, by Cory Zapatka
- LightScribe, Wikipedia