Dates | Deliverable |
Oct 18 | P1 Due |
Oct 25 | Workshop w/Chris Lee |
Oct 29 → 31 | Workshop w/WMDYWTL? |
Dec 6 | P2 Due |
📓 class document
࿉ = in class, → = next class
Sep 6
࿉ Introductions
࿉ Class overview + review Wiki
࿉ Lecture on Worlding
࿉ Kickoff P1: Archival World
→ For next class: prepare a ~5 mins presentation describing your collection and why you find it important for your Golden Record exercise
→ For next class: Add your contact info to the class Google Doc
Sep 13
࿉ Share Golden Record (LightScribe)Step 1: collections
࿉ Talk about Encoding/Decoding
࿉ Small group meetings + discuss how to “encode” and “decode” your collections
→ For next class: design the covers (disc and jewelcase insert) describing how to decode your Golden Record, and prepare a short slideshow (about 8 min) describing the project to share with the class (Booklet size: 120 x 120 mm, CD size: 119mm round, with a 36mm hole in the center)
→ Update your profile page on the class site if you have not yet done so
Sep 20
࿉ Share Golden Record (LightScribe) Step 2: synthesize results
࿉ Talk about Archival Works
→ For next class: Choose your subject matter for P1: Archival World and be ready to share your idea – describing the topic you’d like to explore through archiving and world-building. If you will continue working with the subject on your Golden Disc, describe how you will extend and expand upon this project
→ Begin amassing your archive – try to find/generate at least 25 images for your collection
→ Read To Archive the Imagined by Mindy Seu (do not share this essay!)
Sep 27
࿉ Reading Discussion about To Archive the Imagined by Mindy Seu
࿉ chris shares on WMDYTL? workshop
࿉ Small group meetings to discuss your topics and the items you've collected
→ Decide if you want to participate in wmdywtl?
→ Think about project…
Oct 4
࿉ Regroup Post-Vacation (share if you will join wmdywtl?)
࿉ Chris talks about organization
࿉ Collection sorting exercise (please bring in your collections so far)
→ Read Minor Threats by Mimi Thi Nguyen (Korean auto-translation) and consider how your archive and its objects are a “threat” and “minor objects” as Nguyen defines them
→ Finish collecting your archive, and be prepared to share their contents, and some ideas on how to present them, in small groups next week
Oct 11
࿉ Discuss Minor Threats by Mimi Thi Nguyen (Korean auto-translation) and share how your archive and its objects are a “threat” and “minor objects”
࿉ Share final contents of archive in small groups
→ Create a presentation for your archive that gives us new insight into its contents via sorting, ordering, display, etc. Make it accessible to the class as a website, book, audio piece, object, etc.
Oct 18
࿉ Guest Lecture J.R. Carpenter – meet in room 322 at 3pm
࿉ Share updates on archive access concept/design in small groups
→ Make progress on P1: Archival World on organizing your collection into a format that gives us new insights into your archive.
Oct 23 → 28
Workshop with WMDYWTL? (Maki Suzuki)
Oct 25
࿉ Kickoff workshop with Chris Lee
→ Finalize P1: Archival World by organizing your collection into a format that gives us new insights into your archive. This access can take any shape you choose, such as a timeline, interactive website, deck of cards, poster, etc.
Nov 1
࿉ P1: Archival World due
࿉ Kickoff P2: Active Archive
→ Finalize your output from Chris Lee's workshop – build and print a single sided poster “type specimen” (any size) that includes the glyphs you’ve made this far for your font. The design of this specimen should also include an introductory description (50–100 words in English and/or equivalent in Korean).
→ Begin thinking about what narratives you can extract from your collection for P2, some examples...
Nov 8
࿉ Review P1: Archival World for those who couldn't present last week
࿉ Share Type Specimens from Chris Lee's workshop
࿉ Read Chimeric Worlding (Korean Translation), by Tiger Dingsun and begin Design exercises that illustrate various ways this methodology of Chimeric Worlding can be applied
→ Finish Design exercises that illustrate various ways this methodology of Chimeric Worlding can be applied
࿉ Discuss Object Fair and New Office
→ Continue thinking about what narratives you can extract from your collection for P2
Nov 15
࿉ Guest Lecture Handi Kim
࿉ Review Design exercises that illustrate various ways this methodology of Chimeric Worlding can be applied
→ For P2: propose a narrative and corresponding object used to validate that narrative based on your archive
→ For the object fair: meet with your groups and create a proposal for the following:
→ → Project Management: Installation schedule, social media schedule, vendors list
→ → Identity/Editorial: Object fair concept, graphic references
→ → Spatial: furniture, vinyl, etc.
Nov 22
࿉ Talk on Nation Branding
࿉ Share P2 object ideas and how they connect to a narrative you've located based on your archive
࿉ Object fair participants meet to share proposals and discuss
→ Begin the process to manufacture your object, and create a poetic description of its history as a printed A3 broadsheet for exhibition in an object fair. Bring in a rough draft / prototype of your object, a plan to fabricate it, and a sketch of the A3 broadsheet.
→ Object fair groups: bring in refined sketches, and a manufacturing and production timeline for your materials (vinyl, furniture, etc.)
Nov 29
࿉ Talk on Conspiracy Theories
࿉ Review object prototypes and posters in small groups
࿉ Object fair participants meet and share progress/to-dos for other groups
→ Finalize object and poster for review in next class
→ Object fair groups: bring in final graphics/plans and begin fabrication for object fair
Dec 6
࿉ Review Semi-Final versions of P2
→ Finalize object and poster for P2 to share next class
Dec 13
࿉ P2: Active Archive due
→ As a final deliverable, please send a .zip file with documentation of your work (photos, pdf (if applicable) and short written description) over the semester and send to chris via by Weds December 20. This should include:
☃ P1 Archival World: images and description
☃ P2 Active Archive: images and description
☃ Chris Lee Workshop: Type Specimen Poster
☃ Exercises: Vector file for Golden Disc + any outcomes from the Chimeric Worlding 12 Exercises
→ Object Fair Group meeting and begin installation at 곧곳
Dec 15-17
Object Fair